Saturday, June 7, 2008


The First Annual HHO Games & Exposition is scheduled to begin Nov. 11 in Bradenton, Fla., HHO G&E executive director Joe Shea announced today.

Shea said he will fund other G&E costs himself, and also welcomes support from sponsors.

HHO is the revolutionary but long-neglected energy source produced by the electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen with an extra molecule. The fuel, first produced in 1866, burns better, cleaner and hotter than gasoline, is extremely inexpensive to use, and used in comnjunction with gasoline can extend vehicle mileage by 25% to 50% while cleaning out engine gunk, improving motor performance.

The fuel is used as soon as it is created by an installed HHO kit, there is no danger from hydrogen storage. The only challenge to users is that car batteries are not currently recharged, creating potential problems with conventional alternators. Several inventors have produced videos that seem to show a solution to that issue, however.

Thousands of drivers have adopted the fuel across the country in a wide variety of vehicles.

The fuel is best used in conjunction with gasoline at higher speeds and on longer trips. A switch normally allows users to turn the HHO injection into the vehicle manifold off and on. The design of some kits cause vehicles in start-and-go traffic to sputter and turn off, while others do not have that problem.

The Games will test the savings, quality, endurance,. ease of installation and price points of HHO kits in conventional vehicles like cars and pickup trucks and not-so-conventional vehicles that can range from diesel-powered semis and light aircraft to toy trains and mopeds.

Attendees, entrants and exhibitors will judge the Games.

The purpose of the HHO competitions is to help get the best designs and kits better known to the public.

Entrants will be required to certify their HHO kits and gasoline usage and submit to professional inspections. The certification is hoped to set an industry standard for HHO equipment.

An online Website now under construction,, is hosting videos associated with the demonstrator models.

At the Games, which will take place at a nearby site, up to 150 demonstrations in each of three categories - Personal, Commercial and Novel - will be shown. The Best of Show winner will likely be selected from those kits demonstrated during the Games, Shea said.

On the Exposition side, every aspect of the HHO movement will be on view in Florida at the HHO Exposition, including kits, parts, and marketing tools. Space will be limited to 20 vendors, 150 demonstration vehicles and 20 inventors. The Manatee County Fairgrounds Mosaic Arena is covered, and seminars and workshops will be indoors.

The workshops and seminars are for those who want to expand their HHO knowledge, or just learn more about the low-priced technology. White House officials, experts from the U.S. Dept. of Energy and elected officials interested in the fuel are invited to attend.

The HHO Games & Exposition will be the first time a substantial gathering of HHO enthusiasts meets as the world waits for a way out of the gasoline dilemna.

"I believe the best of the HHO Games & Exposition will set the benchmarks for widespread adoption of HHO kits in this country and abroad," Shea said. "We will find our new Henry Ford, our new Model A, and our place in a new world free of dependence on oil," he said.

Shea is a journalist with a deep interest in HHO, also known as Brown's Gas, and wants to see it adopted at a rapid pace throughout the world. He is also an organizer who has hosted everything from huge Christmas parties for Hollywood's poor to an official Los Angeles Mayoral Debate.

He is the founder of the world's first Internet daily newespaper, The American Reporter, which he started with 30 professional journalists on April 10, 1995. In 1997, the paper won a U.S. Supreme Court case, Shea v Reno, which defended free speech rights on the Internet for future generations.

The HHO Games & Exposition are privately funded, Shea said.

"I know HHO entrepreneurs, inventors and designers will welcome a chance to meet here amid some of the world's most beautiful beaches to show the world that HHO is is a ready-to-go invention that can revolutionize the world's economy by freeing it from its current dependence on oil, gasoline and other expensive alternative fuels.

"It's hard to start a new industry using YouTube videos, Websites and email, but it's been happening. The HHO G&E will bring that energy to a significant focus," Shea said.

Games entries and Exhibitors should contact HHO Games & Exposition at (941)753-1136,
or write

Video links should be posted to the same address, and will appear on They may be of up to 5 minutes length and should concentrate on demonstrations and kits.

It is the 'coming of age' of the HHO industry," Shea said. "Let the Games begin!"

For More Information

HHO Games & Exposition

4119 61st Ave Ter W, 305C

Bradenton, FL 34210-4055



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